Starting your fitness journey: How I did it and you can too!

Hey there, fellow fitness enthusiasts, fitness aspirants and curious readers! 

Fitness and transformation journeys are never easy to begin. Truth be told, most of us would love to do nothing and still expect Greek God type body if possible. Alas, the world of fitness is fair to all. 

Only who put in work can expect good results. Even billionaires, prime ministers and presidents need to work out if they want to be fit. They might be able to buy the guidance, have the meals cooked, have trainers and gyms, but nobody else can exercise on their behalf or take away their diseases if any.

The famous investor Warren Buffett who is famous for his wisdom also once said: 

“Imagine if you could buy just one car in your entire life. Once it breaks down, you can only repair it but could never buy a new one. Would you not be very careful with it? Similarly, you have only one mind and one body for the rest of your life. If you aren’t taking care of this mind and body when you’re young, by the time you’re 40 or 50, you’ll be like a broken car that can’t go anywhere. And in reality, a typical car, you can still buy a new one, but the body or mind, you can't!!"

So after this much motivation (or threatening) ...

Are you ready to tie up your sneakers, put on your favorite workout playlist, and embark on a thrilling fitness journey? 

Today, let's get into the world of fitness, with a bit of wit, a bit of knowledge, and an overall focus on the relation between fitness, calories, exercising and consistency. Let's dive right in!

The overall idea: in my opinion, the following mathematical formula for fitness stands true to a large extent:

Energy intake = Energy burned + Energy stored

Energy intake is done through all the food we consume

Energy burned is through all the day to day activities our body does

Energy stored is in the form of fat which gets stored all over our bodies and might make us look overweight and not fit.

Our goal should be to burn equal or more energy than what we intake. If this happens, we will either: 

So how do we optimize the formula for getting fitter? 

The following are the factors which will impact the fitness formula given above and help you script your own successful fitness journey.

Good Food: As mentioned above, the biggest way of taking in energy is through the food we eat. So fitness in a way isn't just about lifting weights and breaking a sweat; it's also about nourishing your body with the right foods. It is many times said, that a good body is not made in gym but in the kitchen. If we ignore the good food part completely, becoming fit is an extremely impossible goal to achieve.

Here, I can give some specific tips what has helped me in making sure I eat good food:

Fitness Adventures: We use the energy received within our body in various ways. From thinking, to walking, to sleeping … everything consumes certain amount of energy. Yes, you do consume energy even while sleeping!

So why do we need to actively involve in fitness when we are anyways burning calories left right and center all day long?

There are two reasons:

So, assuming it's now clear why active fitness is important, next step is to figure out how to start with fitness activities. 

Fitness shouldn't be a chore; it should be a wild, adventurous ride! Find activities that make your heart skip a beat with excitement. Whether it's dancing, cycling, hiking, weight training, martial arts, or joining a Zumba class where your moves will make Beyoncé jealous, choose what sparks joy within you. When you enjoy what you're doing, the sweat and effort become part of an exhilarating experience rather than a dreaded obligation. So, dance like nobody's watching, run like you're being chased by zombies (a great motivation, I must say), and relish every moment of your fitness escapades. If you do not have any fitness benefitting hobbies, try to start one. Initially, it might be more difficult, but once you start reaping benefits of it, things will become easier.

When I first started exercising, it was difficult and boring too. But soon, I started to enjoy the grind, and the benefits which came with it. Now, going to gym has become a constant part of my life and I love it a lot!

That brings us to our next point …

Consistency: The Secret Sauce

Consistency is the magic wand that turns ordinary into extraordinary. Starting your fitness journey isn't about going all-out for a week and then surrendering to the couch potato lifestyle. Nope! It's about showing up, day after day, and gradually building up momentum. Think of it as a slow and steady race where you're the champion of your own destiny. Also, keep in mind that significant changes take time. So, lace up those shoes, put on your gym clothes, and make fitness a non-negotiable part of your routine. Trust me, your future self will thank you!

Intermittent Fasting: Embrace the Food Clock

Now, let's talk about intermittent fasting, a trendy approach that's got fitness enthusiasts buzzing. Intermittent fasting involves alternating periods of eating and fasting. It's like your body's own little reset button. You can start by skipping breakfast and opting for a later lunch, creating a window of fasting (typically 16-20 hours) and an eating window (4-8 hours). Not only does intermittent fasting aid in weight loss, but it also boosts your energy, improves mental clarity, and even offers potential health benefits. 

Motivation: Celebrate Victories, Big and Small

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your fitness empire. Celebrate every achievement, no matter how small. 

Ran an extra mile today? Boom! 

Nailed that new yoga pose? You rock! 

Couldn't resist that extra slice of pizza? Hey, we're all human!  

Stay motivated by setting realistic goals, tracking your progress, and surrounding yourself with supportive individuals who'll cheer you on. And don't forget to reward yourself with a new workout outfit or a well-deserved spa day. You deserve it!


So there you have it, my lovely readers of this fitness blog.

Your fitness journey awaits, filled with consistency, delicious fuel, intermittent fasting, and a whole lot of fun. 

Remember, it's not just about achieving a certain physique; it's about embracing a healthier and happier lifestyle. Buckle up, enjoy the ride, and let the world become your fitness playground. You've got this!

Until next time, stay motivated, stay active, and keep rocking those fitness goals. 

Cheers to a fabulous fitness adventure!

Disclaimer: Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine. This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Listen to your body, take it at your own pace, and stay safe throughout your fitness journey.